I realized I need to actually write down my goals. I have heard from a reliable source,
+Michelle Carlson, that doing this will make my goals more reachable! (Go check out her videos if you need a little inspiration!) So I decided to share them with you. Some are health and fitness related some aren't.
1. Drop 3 pants sizes by May.
2. Raise $1800 for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer.
3. Complete Training for Avon Walk for Breast Cancer.
4. Complete the 39.3 mile walk on April 20-21.
5. Enroll in school.
6. Do 10 real pushups.
I also realized today, that even though I have been working out 5 times a week, and the only "bad" food I have eaten since the first was 2 Kolaches, 1 Rolo and 1 caramel Kiss, I haven't lost that much. So I reevaluated my diet. Yes, I was eating all healthy, "clean" food. However, I was over doing my calories per day. So my system is healthier, but I am not in weight loss mode. I have lost some, j ust not what I expected. I have set up www.MyFitnessPal.com to track everything I need. Just one little road bump.
As far as the Avon walk, I participated last year, however, I couldn't finish. It is 39.3 miles in 2 days. Not only was it physically demanding and exhausting, it took its toll emotionally. Especially, when I couldn't complete the entire thing. I felt like a failure! I have learned a few things since then and I WILL finish this year! One of the most important things I learned from my mother is NEVER GIVE UP! If she could fight cancer, what is 39.3 miles?? If you would like to donate please do so here I realized I need to actually write down my goals. I have heard from a reliable source,
+Michelle Carlson, that doing this will make my goals more reachable!(go check out her videos if you need a little inspiration!) So I decided to share them with you. Some are health and fitness related some aren't.
1. Drop 3 pants sizes by May.
2. Raise $1800 for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer.
3. Complete Training for Avon Walk for Breast Cancer.
4. Complete the 39.3 mile walk on April 20-21.
5. Enroll in school.
6. Do 10 real push ups.
I also realized today, that even though I have been working out 5 times a week, and the only "bad" food I have eaten since the first was 2 Kolaches, 1 Rolo and 1 caramel Kiss, I haven't lost that much. So I reevaluated my diet. Yes, I was eating all healthy, "clean" food. However, I was over doing my calories per day. So my system is healthier, but I am not in weight loss mode. I have lost some. Just not what I expected. I have set up www.MyFitnessPal.com to track everything I need. Just one little road bump.
As far as the Avon walk, I participated last year, however, I couldn't finish. I have learned a few things since then and I WILL finish this year! If you would like to donate please do so here
click here